
5+ Kumpulan Soal PROCEDURE TEXT Pilihan Ganda dengan Kunci Jawaban

Selamat Malam.. sahabat, Di website hari ini 29-Apr-2022 kami menyediakan kumpulan soal, bank soal beserta daftar jawaban/kunci jawaban tentang PROCEDURE TEXT yang sangat lengkap untuk semua jenjang pendidikan sebagai sarana belajar kamu belajar dan mengikuti PTS (Penilaian Tengah Semester)/UTS/Ulangan/Tugas Rumah/PR/Ujian Akhir untuk Kelas 12 di sekolah atau sebagai referensi soal untuk bapak dan ibu guru di sekolah. Soal latihan di website ini disusun secara struktur dan mempermudah siswa mempelajari dan menguasai mata pelajaran pada semester 1 dan 2 2022/2023.

5+ Soal PROCEDURE TEXT 2022/2023 Lengkap

1. Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.

Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your waist.

Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.

A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in case of emergency.

The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.

We wish you an enjoyable flight.

Where is the life jacket located?

a. over the head
[Jawaban Benar]

b. Around the waist.
[Jawaban Salah]

c. Outsite the aircraft.
[Jawaban Salah]

d. In the back of the seat.
[Jawaban Salah]

e. Under the seat.
[Jawaban Salah]

2. Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.

Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your waist.

Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.

A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in case of emergency.

The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.

We wish you an enjoyable flight.

What can interfere the navigatioanl system

a. Table.
[Jawaban Salah]

b. The life jacket.
[Jawaban Salah]

c. Mobile Phones
[Jawaban Benar]

d. The attached light.
[Jawaban Salah]

e. Tapes around the waist
[Jawaban Salah]

3. How to Make Starfruit Punch


• 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices

• 100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla

• 8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure

• Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until it’s soft. Skim it.

• Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.

• Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.

What is the text about?

a. How to make starfruit punch
[Jawaban Benar]

b. The ingredients of starfruit punch
[Jawaban Salah]

c. How to use blender
[Jawaban Salah]

d. How to stir thoroughly
[Jawaban Salah]

e. How to slice starfruit
[Jawaban Salah]

4. …..lemonade extract and soda water. Stir thoroughly. The word “stir“ means….

a. to make smooth
[Jawaban Salah]

b. to boil
[Jawaban Salah]

c. to cut
[Jawaban Salah]

d. to make dry
[Jawaban Salah]

e. to move an object in order to mix it
[Jawaban Benar]

5. How to Make Starfruit Punch


• 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices

• 100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla

• 8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure

• Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until it’s soft. Skim it.

• Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.

• Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.

Which of the following procedures is true?

a. Put slices of starfruit in the glass.
[Jawaban Salah]

b. Put ice cubes in the blender.
[Jawaban Salah]

c. Skim two spoonful of vanilla.
[Jawaban Salah]

d. skim the slices of starfruit and water which have already been softened
[Jawaban Benar]

e. Wait until the ice cubes are melted.
[Jawaban Salah]

6. 1. Sitting on a bike, make sure you know where the bikes are and how to operate them

2. You have to learn to balance the bike. Find a person who can hold your bike behind you and try to go steady as you pedal it

3. Finally, you have to practice. Once you can balance, pedal, start, and stop, you are bicycle rider. Congratulation!

4. As you gain experience, raise the seat up so that only your toes can touch the ground while you are seated.

5. When you are ready, ride alone. But first, lower the seat until you can sit and put both feet flat on the ground

6. After practicing for a couple minutes, the person can release his or her hands while you try to keep your balance

Arrange these sentences below into a good order.

a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6
[Jawaban Salah]

b. 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 3
[Jawaban Salah]

c. 1 - 2 -6-5 -4 -3
[Jawaban Benar]

d. 1 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 6 – 4
[Jawaban Salah]

e. 1 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 3
[Jawaban Salah]

7. 1. You can make instant noodles with the help of a microwave.

2. Finally, add any items that you want and serve the noodles.

3. First, fill the bowl with two cups of water and the noodle.

4. Microwave it for about three to five minutes.

5. Then, take the noodles out of the microwave and pour the seasonings.

6. After the microwave beeps, wait for three minutes in the closed microwave.

7. Next, stir the noodles until the seasonings dissolve.

The best arrangement of the sentences above is:

a. 1-7-5-6-2-4-3
[Jawaban Salah]

b. 1-3-4-6-5-7-2
[Jawaban Benar]

c. 1-2-7-3-6-5-4
[Jawaban Salah]

d. 1-4-7-5-2-6-3
[Jawaban Salah]

e. 1-4-6-5-2-3-7
[Jawaban Salah]

Demikian Kumpulan Soal PROCEDURE TEXT Pilihan Ganda dengan Kunci Jawaban, Semoga bermanfaat

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