
8+ Kumpulan Soal ANALYTICAL AND PASSIVE VOICE Pilihan Ganda dengan Kunci Jawaban

Selamat Sore.. sobat, Di website hari ini 30-May-2022 kami menyediakan kumpulan soal, bank soal beserta daftar jawaban/kunci jawaban tentang ANALYTICAL AND PASSIVE VOICE yang sangat lengkap untuk semua jenjang pendidikan sebagai sarana belajar kamu belajar dan mengikuti PTS (Penilaian Tengah Semester)/UTS/Ulangan/Tugas Rumah/PR/Ujian Akhir untuk Kelas 11 di sekolah atau sebagai referensi soal untuk bapak dan ibu guru di sekolah. Soal latihan di website ini disusun secara struktur dan mempermudah siswa mempelajari dan menguasai mata pelajaran pada semester 1 dan 2 2022/2023.

8+ Soal ANALYTICAL AND PASSIVE VOICE 2022/2023 Lengkap

1. A well known architect is designing our new office. The passive form of the above sentence is, Our new office is being …… by a well known architect.

a. design
[Jawaban Salah]

b. designed
[Jawaban Benar]

c. designing
[Jawaban Salah]

d. designs
[Jawaban Salah]

e. been designed
[Jawaban Salah]

2. They cancelled all flights. The passive form of the sentence is…

a. All flights had cancelled by them.
[Jawaban Salah]

b. They be cancelled all flights.
[Jawaban Salah]

c. All flights were cancelled by them.
[Jawaban Benar]

d. All flights have been cancelled
[Jawaban Salah]

e. They are being cancelled all flights.
[Jawaban Salah]

3. Two tents for our camping should…….. by my mother.

a. being bought
[Jawaban Salah]

b. bought
[Jawaban Salah]

c. been bought
[Jawaban Salah]

d. been buying
[Jawaban Salah]

e. be bought
[Jawaban Benar]

4. Electron storage rings _____ in investigations of the structure of materials.

a. they are used
[Jawaban Salah]

b. were used
[Jawaban Salah]

c. used
[Jawaban Salah]

d. are used
[Jawaban Benar]

e. is used
[Jawaban Salah]

5. In November of 1863, the city of Atlanta _____ during Sherman’s famous “March to the Sea”.

a. was completely burned
[Jawaban Benar]

b. were completely burned
[Jawaban Salah]

c. completely was burned
[Jawaban Salah]

d. It was burned completely
[Jawaban Salah]

e. Completely burned it
[Jawaban Salah]

6. The obvious disadvantages of cheating are you might get caught. At which point you will surely be embarrassed, strain relationships with people involved, and suffer pragmatic consequences like getting kicked out of school, your spouse divorcing you, etc. If someone does cheat, they rarely just do it once.

The synonym of disadvantage is …

a. Good
[Jawaban Salah]

b. Benefit
[Jawaban Salah]

c. Profit
[Jawaban Salah]

d. Positive
[Jawaban Salah]

e. Loss
[Jawaban Benar]

7. The obvious disadvantages of cheating are you might get caught. At which point you will surely be embarrassed, strain relationships with people involved, and suffer pragmatic consequences like getting kicked out of school, your spouse divorcing you, etc. If someone does cheat, they rarely just do it once.

The purpose of the text is …

a. To give experiences about cheating
[Jawaban Salah]

b. To inform about how to do cheating
[Jawaban Salah]

c. To persuade the consequence of cheating
[Jawaban Benar]

d. To tell the benefit of cheating
[Jawaban Salah]

e. To know that cheating is good to do
[Jawaban Salah]

8. We can make the conclusion or reiteration by these conjunction, except….

a. Based on the Minister said, “….”
[Jawaban Benar]

b. So that…
[Jawaban Salah]

c. Therefore, my conclusion is…
[Jawaban Salah]

d. That’s reason why…
[Jawaban Salah]

e. From the fact above, we conclude that…

[Jawaban Salah]

9. Buying things online is very easy. The only thing to do is to go to a certain website, which sells the product you need. The search engine on the web also enables us to find things fast with various choices. Another good advantage of online shopping is that things may be cheaper than in real stores.

These are the benefit from online shopping, which one is NOT TRUE?

a. easy
[Jawaban Salah]

b. fast
[Jawaban Salah]

c. bad quality
[Jawaban Benar]

d. cheaper
[Jawaban Salah]

e. more simple

[Jawaban Salah]

10. Buying things online is very easy. The only thing to do is to go to a certain website, which sells the product you need. The search engine on the web also enables us to find things fast with various choices..

After the product is chosen and the payment is made, the online shopper should only wait for three to five days until the thing purchased comes to his/her door. Another good advantage of online shopping is that things may be cheaper than in real stores.

How can online shoppers choose products? They have to...

a. visit the shop site
[Jawaban Benar]

b. go to real shops
[Jawaban Salah]

c. have a computer
[Jawaban Salah]

d. have an account
[Jawaban Salah]

e. login to their email
[Jawaban Salah]

Demikian Kumpulan Soal ANALYTICAL AND PASSIVE VOICE Pilihan Ganda dengan Kunci Jawaban, Raih Mimpimu Sob

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