
8+ Kumpulan Soal APPLICATION LETTER1 Sederajat dengan Kunci Jawaban

Halo.. sobat, Di website hari ini 03-Jun-2022 kami menyediakan kumpulan soal, bank soal beserta daftar jawaban/kunci jawaban tentang APPLICATION LETTER1 yang sangat lengkap untuk semua jenjang pendidikan sebagai sarana belajar kamu belajar dan mengikuti PTS (Penilaian Tengah Semester)/UTS/Ulangan/Tugas Rumah/PR/Ujian Akhir untuk Kelas 12 di sekolah atau sebagai referensi soal untuk bapak dan ibu guru di sekolah. Soal latihan di website ini disusun secara struktur dan mempermudah siswa mempelajari dan menguasai mata pelajaran pada semester 1 dan 2 2022/2023.

8+ Soal APPLICATION LETTER1 2022/2023 Lengkap

1. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



1. Who write the Application Letter?

a. A. Project Manager
[Jawaban Salah]

b. B. JakartabPost
[Jawaban Salah]

c. C. Bramantio
[Jawaban Benar]

d. D. Chemical engineet
[Jawaban Salah]

2. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



  1. What is the job position that apllicant apply for?

a. A. Project Manager
[Jawaban Benar]

b. B. General manager
[Jawaban Salah]

c. C. Chemical engineer
[Jawaban Salah]

d. D. Academician
[Jawaban Salah]

3. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



3. Where did the company advertised the job opening?

a. A. Kompas
[Jawaban Salah]

b. B. Jakarta Globe
[Jawaban Salah]

c. C. Tribun
[Jawaban Salah]

d. D.Jakarta post
[Jawaban Benar]

4. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



4. What are the skill that applicant presented on the application letter?

a. A. Managerial and communication skill
[Jawaban Benar]

b. B. Accounting and managerial skill
[Jawaban Salah]

c. C. Public speaking and communication skill
[Jawaban Salah]

d. D. bahasa Indonesia and English
[Jawaban Salah]

5. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



5. How many years the applicant was working as project management?

a. A. 2 years
[Jawaban Salah]

b. B. 8 years
[Jawaban Salah]

c. C. 15 years
[Jawaban Salah]

d. 10 years
[Jawaban Benar]

6. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



"I am an independent individual who capable to work under preser...'

6. The word 'capable' the same meaning to ...

a. A. Irresposible
[Jawaban Salah]

b. B. Awkward
[Jawaban Salah]

c. C. Competent
[Jawaban Benar]

d. D. Professional
[Jawaban Salah]

7. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



"I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you..'

7. What is the opposite of the word...opportunity?

a. A. Misfortune
[Jawaban Benar]

b. Event
[Jawaban Salah]

c. Moment
[Jawaban Salah]

d. D. Hope
[Jawaban Salah]

8. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



8.Below are the proper words to close a formal letter, except...

a. A. Sincerly
[Jawaban Salah]

b. B. Your faithfully
[Jawaban Salah]

c. C. Best regard
[Jawaban Salah]

d. D. With love
[Jawaban Benar]

9. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



9.What the applicant has enclosed along with the application letter?

a. A. Resume
[Jawaban Benar]

b. B. Bioghrapy
[Jawaban Salah]

c. C. Photo
[Jawaban Salah]

d. D. Certificate
[Jawaban Salah]

10. Trunojoyo 103

Jakarta Selatan


September, 27th 2019

PO BOX 1103

To whom it may concern,

I am applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post as showen in the enclosed resumed, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer Universitas Indonesia on 2018.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the de9velopment of a successful Petro Chemical company.

In additional, I have excellent managerial and communication skill both bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This bacground, combined with over ten years of Ethylene plant operation as project managementnya, has given me a unique prospective that particularly valuable in meeting the resposibilities of this position as described in your position. I am an independent individual who capable to work under presure.

I would Wellcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualification in more detail and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



10.Is there any information when the applicant graduated?

a. Yes. It's on 2016
[Jawaban Salah]

b. B. Yes. It's on 2017
[Jawaban Salah]

c. C. Yes. It's on 2018
[Jawaban Benar]

d. D. No
[Jawaban Salah]

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